
Portraits and ponderings from the writing desk of Jill Foote-Hutton.

Couple of Hot Tips

OK, maybe "hot" is not the right word. The article referenced below was published on October 31, so I'm almost two months behind. Lawd knows, I'm scrambling to catch up though!

Still, if you don't know about this yet check out:

and a great article written by Ellen Berkovitch, "The 'Piss In': NCECAs Critical Santa Fe"
It is a scathing review, but I think she hits on a lot of points we all need to hear. The article also led me to a great interview with Arlene Shechet at BOMB Magazine. I have to wonder why the likes of Arlene Shechet and Jessica Jackson Hutchins are not on sites like Access Ceramics. If it is only because the site shows work of folks who submit their work, then I have to say it is succumbing to the same old belly-button gazing narcissism ceramics always falls into. How can the mission truly be to enhance ceramic education world wide when it only looks inward? When will the collective gaze shift to the horizon?